Confirmed Sponsors & Exhibitors

The Local Organizing Committee on behalf of the Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative (GSBI), and supported by the Biological Survey of Canada, would like to express their thanks to all of GSB’s sponsors and exhibitors!


Lunch Symposium and Conference Talk Awards Sponsor
Student Travel Awards Sponsor
Student Travel Awards Sponsor


Elsevier is the world’s leading scientific publisher and data analytics company. They have been serving the global research and healthcare communities for more than 140 years. They serve Academic and Government institutions, top research and development-intensive corporations, healthcare institutions, medical and nursing students in over 170 countries and regions.

For over 75 years Hoskin Scientific has provided expert consultative support to find the right product to fit your application needs. Our Environmental Department provides solutions for monitoring and sampling water, soil, air and weather parameters in the environment. Our team of environmental sales representatives and diverse product range guarantee that you will find the right products for your application.